Metal Heroes Wiki
Jiraiya emblemThis article is about a villain in Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraiya.

Witch Ninja Madam Spider (妖忍 クモ御前 Yūnin Kumo Gozen?): A female ninja closely acquainted with Dokusai who can change between two different human forms (a "front" form and a "rear" form) or into a spider. She first appears in Episode 37. She uses weapons such as spider-shaped bombs and electric discharging spider-web and even has the magic powers to summon the souls of deceased World Ninjas into the living world. Her regular human form is known as her "front form", while the one she uses as a public disguise is her "rear form". She has a flirtatious, but respectful relationship with Dokusai.

Kumo gozen ura

rear form


An image depicting Jiraiya fighting Madam Spider's rear form is among those seen when Kasumi MomochiIcon-crosswiki looks up the legendary ninja in the thirty-fourth episodeIcon-crosswiki of Shuriken Sentai NinningerIcon-crosswiki.

Behind the Scenes[]


  • She is portrayed by the late Machiko Soga, whose best known roles include Witch Bandora from Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger (AKA Rita Repulsa from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers).