Metal Heroes Wiki
Icon-winspectorThis article is about an episode in Tokkei Winspector.

The Treasonous Investigator (裏切りの捜査官 Uragiri no Sōsakan?) is the forty-second episode of Tokkei Winspector.


It's a potential crisis in the making, as a terrorist organization has successfully smuggled both blueprints and material to make a nuclear bomb into Tokyo. The culprit? A former colleague of Masaki from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police who appears to have gone rogue. Winspector rushes to investigate, but there appears to be a rift in the terrorist organization. Get ready for a tense and high-energy case with everything at stake as Winspector desperately struggles to find and stop The Turncoat Investigator!


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Guest Cast[]

  • Yada (矢田 Yada?): Yusuke Koike (小池雄介 Koike Yūsuke?)
  • Uragkami (浦上 Uragami?): Kenji Kano (加納健次 Kanō Kenji?)
  • Henry (ヘンリー Henrī?): Jean Pierre (ジャン・ピエール Jan Piēru?)
  • Ichiro Kagesawa (影沢一郎 Kagesawa Ichirō?): Kengo Komiya (小宮健五 Komiya Kengo?)
  • Chizuru Kagesawa (影沢千鶴 Kagesawa Chizuru?): Izuhi Higashioka (東丘いずひ Higashioka Izuhi?)
  • Kazuya Kagesawa (影沢カズヤ Kagesawa Kazuya?): Yuichiro Fuse (布施優一郎 Fuse Yūichirō?)


Here's what it looks like on the eyecatch.


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DVD Release[]

  • Tokkei Winspetor Volume 5 features episodes 41-49.