Metal Heroes Wiki
Metal Heroes Wiki
Solbrain logoThis article is about an episode in Tokkyuu Shirei Solbrain.

The Storyteller and the Bomb (バクダンと落語家 Bakudan to Rakugoka?) is the sixth episode of Tokkyuu Shirei Solbrain


Daiki's old high school friend is kidnaped but returned soon after when he befriends the kidnapers, however when they reveal a plan to bomb his mother's company the young man decides to save them from becoming true criminals.


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Guest Cast[]

  • Hanji Kumagai (熊谷半次 Kumagai Hanji?): Yutaka Ooyama (大山豊 Ōyama Yutaka?)
  • Tokuko Kumagai (熊谷徳子 Kumagai Tokuko?): Ayako Satake (佐武彩也子 Satake Ayako?)
  • Teruichi Kumagai (熊谷照一 Kumagai Teruichi?): Yuji Okada (岡田裕司 Okada Yūji?)
  • Shinichiro Ishimaru (石丸信一郎 Ishimaru Shinichiro?): Kinba Sanyutei V (五代目三遊亭金馬 Godaime Sanyūtei Kinba?)
  • Shigeko Ishimaru (石丸重子 Ishimaru Shigeko?): Sayoko Tanimoto (谷本 小代子 Tanimoto Sayoko?)
  • Worker: Sakae Yamaura (山浦 栄 Yamaura Sakae?)
  • Customer: Sumimaro Yoshimi (吉見純麿 Yoshimi Sumimaro?)


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