Metal Heroes Wiki
Icon-winspectorThis article is about an episode in Tokkei Winspector.

The Sad Girl's Journey (薄幸少女の旅立ち Hakkō Shōjo no Tabidachi?) is the twenty-sixth episode of Tokkei Winspector.


A young girl's father is murdered, and she claims that a philanthropist business owner is the culprit. Interpol turns up a link between him and a drug cartel based out of Hong Kong. But without any evidence to support the accusation, Winspector can't touch him, and there will be no justice for the murdered father. It's up to Hisako to infiltrate the organization and get the proof... before the girl can take matters into her own hands and kills the philanthropist herself!


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Guest Cast[]

  • Shuzo Nagahama (長浜修三 Nagahama Shuzo?): Takao Nakamura (中村孝雄 Nakamura Takao?)
  • Chen ( Chin?): Shin Tatsuma (辰馬 伸 Tatsuma Shin?)
  • Son (?): Yuichi Okada (岡田祐一 Okada Yūichi?)
  • Michio Yokogawa (横川道夫 Yokogawa Michio?): Keishi Kawaguchi (川口 啓史 Kawaguchi Keishi?)
  • Yukiko Yokogawa (横川幸子 Yokogawa Yukiko?): Kei Takyo (田京恵 Takyō Kei?)
  • Shuzo Nagahama's Henchmen: Nobuaki Suzuki (鈴木信明 Suzuki Nobuaki?)


Here's what it looks like on the eyecatch.


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DVD Release[]

  • Tokkei Winspetor Volume 3 features episodes 21-30.