Metal Heroes Wiki
Icon-winspectorThis article is about an episode in Tokkei Winspector.

The Runaway Baby (赤ちゃん暴走 Akachan Bōsō?) is the first episode of Tokkei Winspector.


A powerful android kidnaps the granddaughter of famous scientist under the orders of a vengeful rival who wants to destroy both the man family and his work.


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Guest Cast[]

  • Professor Onikichi Kuroda (黒田鬼吉博士 Kuroda Onikichi-Hakase?): Susumu Kurobe (黒部 進 Kurobe Susumu?)
  • Android R24 (アンドロイドR24 Andoroido R24?): Daigaku Sekine (関根 大学 Sekine Daigaku?)
  • Toshio Takazawa (高沢俊夫 Takazawa Toshio?): Shiro Ooki (大木 史朗 Ōki Shirō?)
  • Girl: Miho Nakano (中野美穂 Nakano Miho?)
  • Masakatsu Honda (本多政勝 Honda Masakatsu?): Masayuki Furuya (古谷雅之 Furuya Masayuki?)
  • Yuri's Father: Yukihiro Yoshida (吉田幸紘 Yoshida Yukihiro?)
  • Yuri's Mother: Akiyo Sugawara (菅原亜希代 Sugawara Akiyo?)
  • Police: Kimitaka Ooizumi (大泉公孝 Ōizumi Kimitaka?), Toyonori Murazoe (村添豊徳 Murazoe Toyonori?)


Here's what it looks like on the eyecatch.


to be added

DVD Release[]

  • Tokkei Winspetor Volume 1 features episodes 1-10.