Metal Heroes Wiki
Icon-winspectorThis article is about an episode in Tokkei Winspector.

The Pain of the Strongest Robo (悲しみの最強ロボ Kanashimi no Saikyō Robo?) is the thirty-first episode of Tokkei Winspector.


Bikel and Walter have a third brother: Brian, a peacekeeping robot commissioned by the FBI. But when Brian returns for yearly maintenance, Dr. Asahina, creator of the Winspector Support Droids discovers that he has been heavily upgraded with high performance weapons and near invulnerable armor. But in their attempts to create the ultimate law enforcement robot, the upgrades by the Americans also expose Brian's greatest flaw. Now it's a race against time to stop Brian... but nothing Winspector has can even scratch him. Only a new, untested prototype weapon stands a chance... but will it be ready in time? And can Ryoma even use such a dangerous device?


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Guest Cast[]

  • Brian (ブライアン Buraian?, Voice): Atsuo Mori (森篤夫 Mori Atsuo?)
  • Yuuichi Hirosaki (広崎雄一 Hirosaki Yuuichi?): Touta Tarumi (垂水藤太 Tarumi Tōuta?)
  • Professor Asahina (朝比奈博士 Satomura Asahina?): Shigeru Araki (荒木 しげる Araki Shigeru?)
  • Yukari Hirosaki (広崎ゆかり Hirosaki Yukari?): Masami Chujo (中條雅美 Chujō Masami?)
  • Natsumi Asahina (朝比奈夏実 Asahina Natsumi?): Manatsu Murayama (村山真夏 Murayama Manatsu?)


Here's what it looks like on the eyecatch.


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DVD Release[]

  • Tokkei Winspetor Volume 4 features episodes 31-40.