Metal Heroes Wiki
Icon-winspectorThis article is about an episode in Tokkei Winspector.

The Death-God Moss' Counterattack!! (死神モスの逆襲!! Shinigami Mosu no Gyakushū!!?) is the fourteenth episode of Tokkei Winspector.


With the new transformable WinSquad, Ryoma tracks down Reaper Moss, trying to stop him from stealing the Japanese Seed Bank Project and rescue Dr. Satomura. But incidents begin to befall the Winspector team. Bikel and Demitasse are ambushed and taken out of commission, and Walter walks right into a trap. When team is attacked during a supposedly secret stakeout, an uncomfortable truth becomes apparent: Reaper Moss has a spy. Get ready for the fight of a lifetime as Winspector prepares to storm Reaper Moss' well defended stronghold!


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Guest Cast[]

  • Death-God Moss (死神モス Shinigami Mosu?, Reaper Moss): Aydin Yamanlar (アイデン・ヤマンラール Aiden Yamanrāru?)
  • Professor Satomura (里村博士 Satomura Hakase?): Katsuhiko Yokomitsu (横光克彦 Yokomitsu Katsuhiko?)
  • Takeda (竹田?): Masaki Terasoma (てらそままさき Terasoma Masaki?)
  • Death-God Moss's Henchmen: Tetsu Masuda (益田てつ Masuda Tetsu?), Mayumi Yoshida (吉田 真弓 Yoshida Mayumi?), Miyuki Nagato (長門美由樹 Nagato Miyuki?)


Here's what it looks like on the eyecatch.


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DVD Release[]

  • Tokkei Winspetor Volume 2 features episodes 11-20.