Metal Heroes Wiki
Icon-bfThis article is about a set of weapons in Juukou B-Fighter.

Stinger Weapons.

Stinger Weapon(s) (スティンガーウェポン Sutingā U~epon?) are the B-Fighters' signature arm -mounted weapons, deployed by reaching around to the back to summon them their armor. Each one consists of a brace modelled after a beetle on which the weapon attachment is mounted. By opening the wing case, an internal turbine is exposed which powers up the weapons, causing them to spin and deliver the finishing attack..

List of Stinger Weapons[]

Stinger Blade[]


Stinger Blade

Main article: Stinger Blade (B-Fighter)

Stinger Blade (スティンガーブレード Sutingā Burēdo?) is Blue Beet's Stinger Weapon. It is a triangular sword-like weapon. Its finisher is the Beetle Break (ビートルブレイク Bītoru Bureiku?) slash.

Stinger Claw[]


Stinger Claw

Main article: Stinger Claw

Stinger Claw (スティンガークロー Sutingā Kurō?) is G-Stag's Stinger Weapon. It is a large yellow pincer-like claw that he can use to grab enemies and crush them. It can also be detached from the brace and thrown as the Stinger Boomerang (スティンガーブーメラン Sutingā Būmeran?). Its finisher is the Raging Slash (レイジングスラッシュ Reijingu Surasshu?) .

Stinger Plasmar[]


Stinger Plasmar

Main article: Stinger Plasmar

Stinger Plasmar (スティンガープラズマー Sutingā Purazumā?) is Reddle's Stinger Weapon. It is an array of 4 red beam emitters that fire powerful beams of red ion energy. Its powerful attack is the Tornado Spark (トルネードスパーク Torunēdo Supāku?) spiraling energy blast.

Stinger Drill[]

Main article: Stinger Drill (B-Fighter)

Stinger Drill (スティンガードリル Sutingā Doriru?) is an alternative drill Stinger Weapon used by Blue Beet after a fight with Black Beet damaged the Stinger Blade. When the triggered, the front and back halves of the drill rotate in opposite directions, allowing Blue Beet to impale opponents with the Strike Blast (ストライクブラスト Sutoraiku Burasuto?) finishing move. It first appeared in episode 21.

See also[]
