Metal Heroes Wiki
Icon-gavanThis article is about an evil organization in Space Sheriff Gavan.

The Space Crime Organization Makuu (宇宙犯罪組織マクー Uchū Hanzai Soshiki Makū?) is a mighty space crime organization (also described as a group of Space Pirates (宇宙海賊 Uchū Kaizoku?) in the first episode narration[1]) that commits criminal activities throughout the galaxies, led by Don Horror. They are also known as the Beast Star Empire (獣星帝国 Jū-sei Teikoku?), and control a number of planets[1].


It is based in the Makuu Castle, which lies in a kind of black hole called Makuu Space, repeats crimes between planets and makes a leap to monopolize human and physical resources. While possessing advanced scientific power such as manipulating the Earth's axis using the Earth's Axial Diverter Device (地軸転換装置 Chijiku Tenkan Sōchi?) to generate Makuu Space and creating a number of powerful weapons, they also showed a religious side, such as trying to offer Gavan's head for a ceremony to worship the god of the Beast Star.

In Episode 15, they were planning a commemorative party for the 26,000th anniversary of the organization's establishment, which is older than the Galaxy Federal Police. In addition, they are obsessed with replacing the inhabitants of the new planet with Doublemen. In the end, Gavan dissolved Makuu by killing Don Horror, which caused the destruction of Makuu Castle and the collapse of Makuu Space.


Gokaiger vs. Gavan[]

Three decades later, some remnants of Makuu would resurface. Chief of Makuu Prison Ashurada, a relative of Don Horror, joined the Space Empire ZangyackIcon-crosswiki infiltrating the Space Police. Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger vs. Space Sheriff Gavan: The Movie

Gavan: The Movie[]

Main article: Neo-Makuu

Makuu remnants would later reorganize with the intended goal of resurrecting Don Horror. Makuu was destroyed by the first Gavan 30 years ago, but it was revived under the command of Brighton, and he plans to revive the former leader, Don Horror. In this movie, they are based in damaged Makuu Castle that floats in Makuu Space of the Earth. All members are devoting absolute loyalty to Don Horror and Brighton. Space Sheriff Gavan: The Movie


Rhino Doubler one its members was pursued by Gavan Type-G.

Super Hero Taisen Z[]

Zan Vardo, Lizard Doubler and Rhino Doubler were part of an army of resurrected (mostly Super Sentai) monsters led by Space Raider after the revival of Madou Demon King Psycho. They proceeded to attack the gathering of Kamen RidersIcon-crosswiki and Super SentaiIcon-crosswiki, giving them a hard time. The heroes of recent years were in a pinch until the arrival of a force of Sentai and Rider reinforcements led by AkarengerIcon-crosswiki and Kamen Rider IchigoIcon-crosswiki. The combined forces of superheroes were able to turn the tide against the Madou army. They lined up and used their various finisher attacks to destroy the revived monsters. Kamen Rider × Super Sentai × Space Sheriff: Super Hero Taisen Z





  1. 1.0 1.1 Futabasha. (2014). "Metal Hero Strongest Warrior Retsuden". pp. 22-23, "What is the evil organization that Gavan confront [sic]?". ISBN 978-4-575-30779-5.


Icon-gavan Space Sheriff Gavan
Space Sheriffs
Retsu Ichijoji - Geki Jumonji
Space Sheriff Alan - Space Sheriff Voicer
Laser Blade - Cyberion - Gravion - Scooper
Mimie - Marine - Shelly
Eleena - Commander Qom - Tsukiko Hoshino - Kojiro Oyama - Gosuke Fuji - Wakaba and Yuuichi - Den Iga - Dai Sawamura
Itsuki Kawai - Kai Hyuga - Shu Karasuma
Other Heroes
Battle KenyaIcon-crosswiki - DenziBlueIcon-crosswiki - Shinken YellowIcon-crosswiki - GokaigersIcon-crosswiki - Go-BustersIcon-crosswiki - KyoryugersIcon-crosswiki - Kamen Rider WizardIcon-crosswiki - Kamen Rider BeastIcon-crosswiki
Super Dimensional Highspeed Ship Dolgiran
Electronic Starbeast Dol
Space Crime Organization Makuu
Don Horror
Hunter Killer - San Dorva - Witch Kiba - Beast-Alien Doubleman - Horror Girl - Crushers
Makuu Prison Chief Ashrada - Gavan Bootleg
Brighton - Witch Kill - Zan Vardo
BEM Monsters
Shako Monster - Gamara Monster - Condor Monster - Sasori Monster - Dokuja Monster - Oomadako Monster - Samurai Ari Monster - Kaenzaru Monster - Nijichou Monster - Armadillo Monster - Goat Monster - Sai Monster
Sai Doubler - Shamo Doubler - Kama Doubler - Hyou Doubler - Aokame Doubler - Kyouryuu Doubler - Kera Doubler - Mitsubachi Doubler - Kurage Doubler - Kumo Doubler - Sabre Doubler - Goshiki Doubler -Gas Doubler - Jaaku Doubler - Hakkotsu Doubler - Magic Doubler - Keibi Doubler - Saimin Doubler - Totsugeki Doubler - Kaibutsu Doubler - Doctor Doubler - Guts Doubler - Urami Doubler - Anahori Doubler - Gang Doubler - Nottori Doubler - Youkai Doubler - Jigoku Doubler - Buffalo Doubler - Lizard Doubler - Rhino Doubler