Metal Heroes Wiki
Icon-bfThis article is about a metal villain in Juukou B-Fighter.
"Shadow" is also the name of a villainess in Jikuu Senshi Spielban, as well as Toby Mendoza's evil form in Zaido: Pulis Pangkalawakan.

Shadow (シャドー Shadō?), also known as Black Beet (ブラックビート Burakku Bīto?) is an evil clone & rival of Takuya Kai made by Jagul.


Shadow is highly powerful, and by raising his Black Commander (ブラックコマンダー Burakku Komandā) and shouting "Jakou!" (邪甲! Jakō!, Evil Shell!), became a formidable opponent to the other B-Fighters as Black Beet, whose armor was modeled after a Longhorn beetle. To prove his own existence, he tries to kill Takuya. Because he was a short‐lived clone, Shadow couldn't survive on his own and sought Saint Papilia's power to obtain immortality for himself. His weapons are a black Input Magnum known as the Jamming Magnum, and an extending hand-claw known as the Stinger Byoot. He falls because his longevity was lost though he gives Blue Beet a mortal wound.

Shadow's death

He was later revived and absorbed by Jagul in the finale.

Black Beet[]

JBF-Black Beet

Black Beet


  • Height: 203 cm.
  • Weight: 121 kg.

Ability Parameters:[]

  • Punching Power: not shown
  • Kicking Power: not shown
  • Maximum Jump Height: 45 m.
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m. per 2.2 sec.


  • Black Commander (ブラックコマンダー Burakku Komanda?) - Shadow's transformation device to transform into Black Beet. A Black version of the B-Commander, Shadow shouts "Jakou!" to become a formidable opponent to the other B-Fighters as Black Beet, whose armor was modeled after a Longhorn beetle. To prove his own existence, he tries to kill Takuya.
  • Jamming Magnum - A black version of the Input Magnum that was used by Black Beet.
  • Stinger Byoot - An extending hand-claw that serves as Black Beet's main weapon.



Super Black Beet (left) with Blue Beet (right)

In this publication of Super Mode of Toei Metal Spirit, Black Beet is able to evolve into Super Black Beet (スーパーブラックビート Sūpā Burakku Bīto?), similar to Super Blue Beet. In this form, his Stinger Byoot gains four additional claws.


Behind the Scenes[]


Shadow's true identity is portrayed by Keisuke Tsuchiya ({{{2}}}?), the real-life twin brother of Daisuke Tsuchiya.


  • "to be added"

concept art


See Also[]
