Metal Heroes Wiki
Icon-sharivanThis article is about an actor in Space Sheriff Sharivan.

Mitsuo Andō (安藤 三男 Andō Mitsuo?, August 26 1928 - September 1992): played Reider in episodes 34–50 of Space Sheriff Sharivan. Mitsuo also played Professor MonsterIcon-crosswiki in Toei and Marvel Comics Spider-ManIcon-crosswiki series, Professor GillIcon-crosswiki in Android KikaiderIcon-crosswiki, and Black Cross FührerIcon-crosswiki in Himitsu Sentai GorengerIcon-crosswiki on Episodes 1Icon-crosswiki to 55Icon-crosswiki.

He was Kenji Ushio's younger cousin[1].

The cause, and the date of his death was unknown, but since Ando was interviewed for a tokusatsu book in 1987[2][3], and since Toru Hirayama's son wrote in his notes[4] published on his blog that he heard about the first anniversary of his death from Kenji Ushio, which was believed to have occurred at least after 1987, and no later than September 1992. According to Hirayama's notes, Ando's older brother, worried about his younger brother who had not been in touch with him, went to check on him at his apartment in Hiroo, Shibuya, finding him dead.


  1. 「仮面ライダー スタッフ・キャスト人名録 2016年版」『宇宙船別冊 仮面ライダー怪人大画報2016』(Kamen Rider Staff - Cast list 2016 ediditon - "Uchusen Special Edition"), Hobby Japan <Hobby Japan MOOK>, 28 March 2016, page 180, ISBN 978-4-7986-1202-7。
  2. 『宇宙船別冊 変身ヒーローアルバム』 (Uchusen Special Edition Henshin Hero Album), 1986, Asahi Sonorama
  3. 「スペシャルインタビュー 安藤三男」『メーキング・オブ・東映ヒーロー』 3 メカニカルヒーローの世界("Special Interview Mitsuo Ando", "Making of Toei Hero", 3, Mechanic Hero no Sekai") , Kodansha, Kodansha and Bunko, 1987, p.43, ISBN 4-06-190084-6。

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