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Icon-gavanThis article is about an ally in Space Sheriff Gavan.

Mimie (ミミー Mimī?) is the only daughter of Commander Qom, cousin of Shelly and Gavan's assistant.



She is in love with Gavan but would support him in any case. She leaves the Dolgrian to help her mother on Bird Planet, to return in later battles to continue helping Gavan.


Retsu and Mimie in Sharivan

Mimie with Retsu as seen in Sharivan.

Besides helping Gavan, she's also a force to Sharivan


Mimie, Annie & Dai

Mimie in Space Sheriff Shaider with Annie, and Dai Sawamura.


to be added

Powers and Abilities[]

She uses a pendant which is also a visual illusion device. With her "Laser Vision," she can transform into a budgerigar to spy on the Makuu.

Behind The Scenes[]


Mimie is portrayed by Wakiko Kano (叶 和貴子 Kanō Wakiko?).


  • In the Philippine dub, she was voiced by three different voice actresses within the three broadcasting systems. In Space Sheriff Gavan, she was voiced by Rosanna Villegas in IBC-13 (formerly known as VTV) in 1996 while in Space Sheriff Shaider, she was voiced by Honey Amansec in the ABS-CBN dub and it's replay in IBC-13 in 1992 to 1998 as well as the defunct HERO channel until 2018. In the remake version of 2005 at the GMA Network, she was voiced by Grace Cornel.


See also[]


Icon-gavan Space Sheriff Gavan
Space Sheriffs
Retsu Ichijoji - Geki Jumonji
Space Sheriff Alan - Space Sheriff Voicer
Laser Blade - Cyberion - Gravion - Scooper
Mimie - Marine - Shelly
Eleena - Commander Qom - Tsukiko Hoshino - Kojiro Oyama - Gosuke Fuji - Wakaba and Yuuichi - Den Iga - Dai Sawamura
Itsuki Kawai - Kai Hyuga - Shu Karasuma
Other Heroes
Battle KenyaIcon-crosswiki - DenziBlueIcon-crosswiki - Shinken YellowIcon-crosswiki - GokaigersIcon-crosswiki - Go-BustersIcon-crosswiki - KyoryugersIcon-crosswiki - Kamen Rider WizardIcon-crosswiki - Kamen Rider BeastIcon-crosswiki
Super Dimensional Highspeed Ship Dolgiran
Electronic Starbeast Dol
Space Crime Organization Makuu
Don Horror
Hunter Killer - San Dorva - Witch Kiba - Beast-Alien Doubleman - Horror Girl - Crushers
Makuu Prison Chief Ashrada - Gavan Bootleg
Brighton - Witch Kill - Zan Vardo
BEM Monsters
Shako Monster - Gamara Monster - Condor Monster - Sasori Monster - Dokuja Monster - Oomadako Monster - Samurai Ari Monster - Kaenzaru Monster - Nijichou Monster - Armadillo Monster - Goat Monster - Sai Monster
Sai Doubler - Shamo Doubler - Kama Doubler - Hyou Doubler - Aokame Doubler - Kyouryuu Doubler - Kera Doubler - Mitsubachi Doubler - Kurage Doubler - Kumo Doubler - Sabre Doubler - Goshiki Doubler -Gas Doubler - Jaaku Doubler - Hakkotsu Doubler - Magic Doubler - Keibi Doubler - Saimin Doubler - Totsugeki Doubler - Kaibutsu Doubler - Doctor Doubler - Guts Doubler - Urami Doubler - Anahori Doubler - Gang Doubler - Nottori Doubler - Youkai Doubler - Jigoku Doubler - Buffalo Doubler - Lizard Doubler - Rhino Doubler