Metal Heroes Wiki
Icon-metalheroesThis article is about a set of transformation device implements in the Metal Hero Series.
Metal Hero Ranger Keys

Metal Hero Keys

The Metal Hero Keys (メタルヒーローキー Metaru Hīrō Kī?) are a subgroup of the Ranger Keys (レンジャーキー Renjā Kī?) which contain the powers of Metal Heroes rather than Super Sentai RangersIcon-crosswiki. Six Metal Hero Keys were on the person of the Space Sheriff, Geki Jumonji (Gavan Type G). He handed the Gokaigers these keys when they were fighting against Space ShockerIcon-crosswiki, the Gokaigers using these keys to transformIcon-crosswiki into Metal Heroes. They deployed the GokaiGalleon BusterIcon-crosswiki (dubbed the "Gokai Metal Galleon Buster" here), inserting the Metal Hero Keys resulting in a Special Metal Charge which unleashed a variant of the Rising Strike called the Metallic Strike which destroyed the Space Shocker members Space IkadevilIcon-crosswiki, JaguarmanIcon-crosswiki and ZanjiohIcon-crosswiki. Kamen Rider × Super Sentai × Space Sheriff: Super Hero Taisen Z

Metal Hero Keys[]

  • Jiraiya Key (磁雷矢キー Jiraiya Kī?)
  • Jiban Key (ジバンキー Jiban Kī?)
  • Draft Redder Key (ドラフトレッダーキー Dorafuto Reddā Kī?)
  • Janperson Key (ジャンパーソンキー Janpāson Kī?)
  • Blue Beet Key (ブルービートキー Burū Bīto Kī?)
  • B-Fighter Kabuto Key (ビーファイターカブトキー Bī Faitā Kabuto Kī?)
Gokai Change - Metal Heroes

Gokaiger as Metal Heroes

Gokaiger/Metal Hero Gokai ChangeIcon-crosswiki

Jiraiya Don Dogoier
Jiban Gai Ikari
Draft Redder Captain Marvelous
Janperson Ahim de Famille (female version)
Blue Beet Joe Gibken
B-Fighter Kabuto Luka Millfy (female version)


The appearance of the Metal Hero Keys in Super Hero Taisen Z follows the appearance of the Rider KeysIcon-crosswiki in Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero TaisenIcon-crosswiki, which were given to the Gokaigers by Kamen Rider OOOIcon-crosswiki, which the Gokaigers used to transform into OOO's Full Combos.

However, in Super Hero Taisen Z, the origin of the Metal Hero Keys isn't exactly shown. When the five Gokaigers come to Gokai Silver and Gavan's aid, Gavan suddenly pulls out the Metal Hero Keys which he gives to the Gokaigers, unlike in Super Hero Taisen where OOO handed the Gokaigers his Core MedalsIcon-crosswiki which suddenly transformed into Rider Keys.

A possible explaination is that the powers, or duplications of the powers, of Metal Heroes beyond the Space Sheriffs are currently possessed by the Galactic Union Police, explaining why they are held by Gavan. It was not shown whether the Gokaigers kept these keys or returned them to Gavan. It should also be noted that the powers of both generations of B-Fighters disappeared after the final battle in B-Fighter Kabuto.


Behind the scenes[]

Blue Beet Ranger Key

A custom Blue Beet Ranger Key by Ei Hamura.

Prior to the unveiling of the official Metal Hero Keys, a custom Blue Beet Key was among several Ranger Keys crafted by veteran Super Sentai actor Ei HamuraIcon-crosswiki, who played Shoji of the Heavenly Gravity Star (TenmaRanger)Icon-crosswiki in Gosei Sentai DairangerIcon-crosswiki.[1]

See also[]

