Metal Heroes Wiki
Icon-winspectorThis article is about a villain in Tokkei Winspector.

Ichiro Hirukawa (日留川一郎 Hirukawa Ichirō?): A psychologist who created a sonic device that brainwashed adults into susceptible children. Hirukawa's intentions were noble at first by helping people eliminate stress that came with adulthood. However, his colleagues deemed his work unethical because potential patients would be nothing more than mindless puppets. Angered, Hirukawa set up a private clinic where he could apply his brainwashing technology unhindered. Before being arrested by Ryouma and Junko, Hirukawa instructed his victims to blow up a chemical plant as a declaration of his revenge. After seeing his plans foiled by Winspector, Hirukawa broke down into a maniacal laughing mess. The Couple That Reverted to Children
