Metal Heroes Wiki
Icon-beetleborgsThis article is about an ally in Big Bad Beetleborgs and Beetleborgs Metallix.Icon-metallix

"Well, it looks like the Beetleborgs are BACK IN ACTION!"

Flabber is a phantasm (phasm) who was trapped inside a pipe organ, and was freed by the kids. Out of gratitude he granted their wish to become their comic book heroes, the Big Bad Beetleborgs. This event also unintentionally released the Magnavores. Flabber was released by playing 3 notes (And later revealed that playing those same 3 notes, then playing them in reverse would again trap him inside the organ). He acts as an advisor and best friend, he offers needed magic to the kids when fighting the Magnavores, and later the Crustaceans. Although his magic doesn't always work the way he would hope for it to. He is the head of the Hillhurst Mansion and is usually the one to keep the house monsters in check.


  • The producers of the show said that he was based on Elvis Presley.

See Also[]
