Metal Heroes Wiki
Icon-gavanThis article is about a mecha in Space Sheriff Gavan.


Electronic Star Beast Dol


Gavan on the Dol's head.

Electronic Star Beast Dol (電子星獣ドル Denshi Seijū Doru?) is a giant robot in the shape of a blue mechanical dragon, whose lower part of Dolgiran called Dol Unit (ドルユニット Doru Yunitto?) is separated and transformed when Gavan orders it. It has its own consciousness and always supports Gavan. There is a cockpit inside[note 1], but during combat, Gavan mainly stands above the Dol's head. Gavan uses Dol mostly to destroy Makuu's spacecraft but has also been used several times to fight monsters that have grown to giant size.

Later appearances[]

Gokaiger Vs. Gavan[]

Gavan with Dol

Gavan with Dol

In Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger vs. Uchuu Keiji Gavan: The Movie, Kanzen GokaiOhIcon-crosswiki combines with Dol by riding on it in a formation known as Kanzen GokaiOh & Dol (カンゼンゴーカイオー&ドル Kanzen Gōkaiō ando Doru?).

Its special attack is Dol Gokai Fire (ドルゴーカイファイヤー Doru Gōkai Faiyā?), which fires Dol's Dol Fire and Kanzen GokaiOh's Kanzen Missile simultaneously[1][2].


Super Hero Taisen Z[]

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In Kamen Rider × Super Sentai × Space Sheriff: Super Hero Taisen Z, combines with Vavilos and Grand Birth their attack "Big Grand Fire".


In Uchu Sentai KyurangerIcon-crosswiki, Dol fights alongside the Ryu VoyagerIcon-crosswiki against a DeathwormIcon-crosswiki.



Dol Unit's cockpit.

  • Total length: 300 m
  • Weight: 2000 t.


  • Dol Fire (ドルファイヤー Doru Faiyā?): Dol breathes out a high-heat flames from its mouth.
  • Dol Laser (ドルレーザー Doru Rēzā?): This attack has two types: emits a red laser from the eyes, and emits a ring-shaped laser from the forefoot[note 2].
  • Screw Attack (スクリューアタック Sukuryū Atakku?): Dol's tail whipping fighters attacking from behind.
  • Dol Kick (ドルキック Doru Kikku?): Dol uses its front feet to clamp down pesky fighters and swats them away.

See Also[]



A suit-type Dol

  • It was mainly shot in the air-flying performance type. A suit-type one in which a suit actor plays inside was also produced.[note 3]


  1. Shogakukan <Televi-kun Deluxe Favorite Edition>. (2012). "Kaizoku Sentai GokaigerIcon-crosswiki Super Complete Works". p. 30.
  2. Kodansha <Kodansha Series MOOK>. (2017). "Super Sentai Official Mook 21st Century Vol.11 Kaizoku Sentai GokaigerIcon-crosswiki". p. 19. ISBN 978-4-06-509522-5.


  1. Shown in Episode 2.
  2. Only used in Episode 2.
  3. Only used in Episode 2.
Icon-gavan Space Sheriff Gavan
Space Sheriffs
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