Metal Heroes Wiki
Metal Heroes Wiki
Solbrain logoThis article is about a hero in Tokkyuu Shirei Solbrain.

Daiki Nishio/SolBraver (西尾 大樹/ソルブレイバー Nishio Daiki/Sorubureiba?) is Ryouma's successor. He wears blue armor and his primary vehicle is SolGallop. He only can wear his solid suit and his transformation call is "Plus Up" (プラスアップ Purasu Appu?). He and Reiko are the only humans on the team. He is armed with Cerberus Delta (a triangular gun), which can transform into a rod or a sword.


Tokkyuu Shirei Solbrain[]

to be added


Solbrain and Winspector in Exceedraft (TV Land)

Winspector and Solbrain appear to help, having been summoned by Mika. Tokusou Exceedraft (TV Land)

Stageshow Appearances[]

Jetman Stage Show at 3 Heroes Korakuen YuenchiIcon-crosswiki[]

In a stage show where the JetmanIcon-crosswiki are fighting Dimensional War Party VyramIcon-crosswiki, SolBraver, SolJeanne and Fire arrive and assist the Jetman.

Jetman Stage Show at Super Hero Korakuen YuenchiIcon-crosswiki[]

In a stage show where the Jetman are fighting Dimensional War Party Vyram, SolBraver, Knight Fire, Kamen Rider Black RXIcon-crosswiki, Five RedIcon-crosswiki and BlueIcon-crosswiki, RedIcon-crosswiki and Pink TurboIcon-crosswiki, Yellow LionIcon-crosswiki and Red MaskIcon-crosswiki arrive and assist the Jetman.



Daiki in his Solid Suit



Metal Hero Key[]

SolBraver Ranger Key

SolBraver Ranger Key

The SolBraver Key (ソルブレイバー Sorubureiba Kī?) is a Metal Heroes Ranger KeyIcon-crosswiki released as part of the Ranger Keys Metal Hero Edition in Bandai Premium. It is unknown if it will appear in a future crossover. Of course as with all Ranger Keys, should it exist, it would be able to transformIcon-crosswiki one, i.e. one of the GokaigersIcon-crosswiki, into SolBraver.



See Also[]


Solbrain logo Tokkyuu Shirei Solbrain
Daiki Nishio - Reiko Higuchi - Soldozer - Ryouma Kagawa
Bikel - Walter
Jun Masuda - Shunsuke Masaki - Kamekichi Togawa - Takeshi Yazawa - Midori Aikawa - Cross 8000 - Norio Tsuruoka - Isamu Nakai - Seiichi Nakai
Solid Suit - Proto Suit - SolGallop - SolDrecker - Knight Custom - Solid States Ⅰ - Kerberos-Delta - BothWinder - SolIndicater - O2 Pack - Medical Pack - Cuffs Lock - GigaStreamer - Piletornado
Ryuichi Takaoka - Katsuhiko Sasamoto - Messiah - Bomber Honma