Metal Heroes Wiki
Icon-winspectorThis article is about an episode in Tokkei Winspector.

Bikel's Father (バイクルのパパ Baikuru no Papa?) is the thirty-sixth episode of Tokkei Winspector.


Bikel begins to behave erratically, manifesting a sudden obsession with fathers. Things take a dramatic turn when he begins to commit crimes with no memories of them. Someone is manipulating Bikel from afar, and the only one who might be able to stop him and save Winspector is Bikel's original programmer! At long last, learn the backstory of the creation of Winspector's Support Droids,and how Bikel came to be the cheerful Nagoya-accented jokester we know and love.


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Guest Cast[]

  • Dr.Arai (新井博士 Arai hakase?): Kiyoto Harada (原田清人 Harada Kiyoto?)
  • Nishida (西田?): Kaoru Shinoda (篠田 薫 Shinoda Kaoru?)
  • Guard: Masahiko Yamagata (山形政彦 Yamagata Masahiko?)
  • Father: Toshio Sakuhara (作原利雄 Sakuhara Toshio?)
  • Son: Makoto Kobayashi (小林真 Kobayashi Makoto?)
  • Man: Toshimasa Takahashi (高橋利昌 Takahashi Toshimasa?), Mitsunobu Kobayashi (小林充展 Kobayashi Mitsunobu?), Akira Kanzaki (神崎明 Kanzaki Akira?)
  • TV Announcer: Hidehiko Yamauchi (山内英彦 Yamauchi Hidehiko?)


Here's what it looks like on the eyecatch.


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DVD Release[]

  • Tokkei Winspetor Volume 4 features episodes 31-40.