Metal Heroes Wiki
Icon-beetleborgsThis article is about an episode in Big Bad Beetleborgs.


Big Rumble in Charterville is the thirty-first episode of Big Bad Beetleborgs. It is the last of a six episode arc featuring the villain and evil Beetleborg, Shadowborg.


After gaining new powers from Vexor's power device, Drew uses them in his battle against Shadowborg. The Beetleborgs learn that Josh will lose his powers if Shadowborg is destroyed.


to be added


Guest stars[]


  • Last appearence of Josh Baldwin and the White Blaster Beetleborg powers. As well as the last appearance of Shadowborg. The costume for Shadowborg makes it return as General Venjix in the Power Rangers Wild Force episode, Forever Red.
  • Second and final time Josh is seen transforming into the White Blaster Beetleborg onscreen.
  • Final episode of the Shadowborg story arc.
  • Vexor is shown being destroyed in this episode, only to return, in a new form, briefly. Afterwards, he would be seen again, in his old form, though was not sent back to the comics.
  • After Flabber fails to punch Vexor in the face, he makes a reference to one of many catchphrases from the TV series Get Smart, in which Don Adams' character, Maxwell Smart, would say, "The ol' (insert name) trick, eh?".

See Also[]
