Metal Heroes Wiki
Icon-gavanThis article is about a villain in Space Sheriff Gavan.

The Beast-Alien Doublemen (獣星人ダブルマン Jūseijin Daburuman?, 1-13) are the generals of Makuu who can assume a human form. They are aided by the BEM Monsters. Unlike BEM monsters, they only assume the form of monsters and can combine with other BEM Monsters to form Doublers.


An alien who lived on a planet that Makuu had controlled. Hiding in society in the form of a human being, carrying out and assisting operational activities. Often disguised as a people with high social status and a people with good connections.

There are several types of Doubleman, but all of them are called only "Doubleman" in the series. There are a total of 8 planet Doubleman, but the Antares Planet's Doubleman has not appeared[1]. Many Zombie Planet's Doubleman have appeared in the series, and several individuals that seem to be enhanced have also appeared. In the sixth episode, a strategy was carried out to convert an Earthling child into a Doubleman.

Behind the Scenes[]




Doubleman design (Zombie B)

Doubleman Zombie A concept art

Doubleman design (Zombie A head)

Doubleman Mad concept art

Doubleman design (Mad)

Doubleman Spectacle concept art

Doubleman design (Spectacle)

Doubleman Mercan concept art

Doubleman design (Mercan)

Doubleman Hydra concept art

Doubleman design (Hydra)

Doubleman Bad (Doubleman Zombie C before) concept art

Doubleman design (Bad with Zombie C body)

Doubleman Renoman (past head) concept art

Doubleman design (Renoman with past head)

Doubleman Renoman (current head) concept art

Doubleman design (Renoman with current head)

Double girl concept art

Double girl design

Takayuki Masuo (増尾 隆之 Masuo Takayuki?) is in charge of the design[2]. According to him, zombies were supposed to be intelligent sci-fi characters, receiving images and instructions like metal mutants, but in reality they were often portrayed as fighting characters[3].


  • In the book "All Kaiju Kaijin Volume 2", the alphabets are assigned in the order of appearance[4], and in the book "Space Sheriff Taizen", the planets of Doubleman's origin are also listed[5].


  1. Futabasha. (2000). "Space Sheriff Taizen - The World of Gavan, Sharivan, Shaider". p. 34. ISBN 4-575-29080-7.
  2. Hobby Japan. (2017). "Metal Hero Kaijin Design Encyclopedia Kikkai-Senban". p. 6. ISBN 978-4-7986-1540-0.
  3. Hobby Japan. (2017). "Metal Hero Kaijin Design Encyclopedia Kikkai-Senban". pp. 97-99, Interview/Composition Shuichi Oguro "DESIGNER INTERVIEW_01 Takayuki Masuo". ISBN 978-4-7986-1540-0.
  4. Keibunsha. (1990). "All Kaiju Kaijin" Volume 2. p. 427. ISBN 4-7669-1209-8.
  5. Futabasha. (2000). "Space Sheriff Taizen - The World of Gavan, Sharivan, Shaider". pp. 38-39, "Makuu Monster Wanted". ISBN 4-575-29080-7.
Icon-gavan Space Sheriff Gavan
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BEM Monsters
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